
How To Change An Alternator On A 2003 Chevy Venture


I have fastened the info on rotating the engine and changing the alternator. Only be careful ensure things are braced and secured before sticking body parts in areas that can exist pinched.

Safety first!

Rotating the Engine for Service Access

Tools Required
J 41131 Engine Tilt Strap
Remove the throttle body air inlet duct.
Prepare the park brake.
Shift the transaxle into Neutral.
Remove the engine mount strut bolts. Swing the engine mount struts aside.

Install the J 41131.
Pull on the engine in order to rotate the engine forrard.
Tighten the J 41131.

REMOVAL Procedure

Remove the battery ground (negative) cablevision from the bombardment.
Rotate and secure the engine forward to access rear generator bolts. Refer to Rotating the Engine for Service Access in Engine-three.4L.

Remove the generator B+ terminal nut.
Remove the generator B+ lead.
Remove the generator electrical connector.
Remove the bulldoze belt from the generator.

Remove the generator forepart bolt.

Remove the generator rear bolts.

Remove the generator from the generator bracket and position the generator above the bulldoze axle.
Remove the drive belt tensioner.
Remove the generator bracket.
Remove the power steering pipes from the power steering pipe servant.
Remove the fuel pressure exam port (schrader valve) cap from the fuel injector rail.
Remove the power steering pump and reposition the power steering pump in front of the timing chain embrace in club to provide access for the generator. Of import: Do not disconnect the ability steering pipes from the ability steering pump.
Remove electrical harness from retainer on right fender well and position aside.
Remove the generator from the vehicle.

Install the generator to the vehicle and position the generator to a higher place the bulldoze axle.
Install electric harness to retainer on right fender well.
Install the power steering pump to the engine.
Install the fuel pressure test port (schrader valve) cap to the fuel injector runway.
Install the ability steering pipes from the power steering pipe servant.
Install the generator bracket.
Install the bulldoze belt tensioner.

Install the generator to the generator bracket and position the generator to a higher place the drive axle.
Install the bulldoze belt tensioner.
Install the generator to the generator bracket.

Install the generator front commodities.

Install the generator rear bolts. NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions. Tighten Tighten the generator bolts to 50 thousand (37 lb ft) .
Install the bulldoze belt.

Install the generator electrical connector.
Install the generator B+ lead.
Install the generator B+ concluding nut. Tighten Tighten the generator B+ terminal nut to thirteen Due north.chiliad (115 lb in) .
Rotate the engine rearward and install the engine mount strut bracket bolts. Refer to Rotating the Engine for Service Admission in Engine -3.4L.
Install the battery ground (negative) cable to the battery.

Saturday, Nov 29th, 2008 AT 11:24 AM


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