
How Do You Change The Back Brakes On A 2001 Vw Golf

I've found that the rear brakes generally wear out twice every bit fast as the front brakes, probably because they are half the size. The rear disk brakes are integrated with the emergency brake. This means that you will demand a special tool to screw the brake cylinder dorsum into the caliper once y'all've installed the new brake pads. Note that the cheap-o cube things don't accept the right size, but you can get the good brake caliper kit kit through the loan-a-tool program at your neighborhood autoparts store. Step past stride you do the post-obit: Remove the rear bicycle and clean the rotor and brake assembly with brake cleaner. Restriction pads contain asbestos so you want to remove every bit much restriction grit as possible earlier working on them and take precautions to avoid breathing in any brake dust. Remove the ii bolts property the restriction caliper on, so slide off the caliper. Support the caliper by hanging information technology off a wire and so that you don't stress the brake lines. Remove the onetime brake pads. Make sure your new brake pads came with clips before getting rid of the old ones. Remove the screw holding the rotor in identify. I institute that for my Jetta there was only enough room to replace the rotor without removing the brake caliper mount. I had to remove the mountain for the forepart brakes. If you do have to remove the caliper mount, you'll demand an 8 or ix mm hex wrench if you don't have 1 in your toolbox. Install the new rotor. With the special brake caliper tool, turn and push the cylinder to only about affluent with the caliper. Install the new restriction bads. Slide the caliper into place over the restriction pads and bolt information technology back in place. Put your wheel back on.

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